菲尔德百货大楼 Marshall Field’s Wholesale Store

I have meted justice to other buildings, in their iniquity; I would give justice to this one, in its justice… As you say, the structure is massive, dignified and simple. But it is much more, … so much more that I have called it an oasis… Four Square and brown, it stands, in physical fact, a monument to trade, to the organized commercial spirit, to the power and progress of the age, to the strength and resource of individuality and force of character; … artistically, it stands as the oration of one who knows well how to choose his words, who has somewhat to say and says it – and says it as the outpouring of a copious, direct, large, and simple mind… Therefore, have I called it, in a world of barren pettiness, a male…

路易斯·沙利文 Louis Sullivan


Richardson, Marshall Field Wholesale Store. 1885 preliminary elevational study employing brick. (O’Gorman, H.H. Richardson-Selected Drawings)
Richardson, Studies for the Filed Wholesale Store, 1885. Left: Brick; Right: Stone. (O’Gorman, 
Selected Drawings)


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