天花/顶棚 Ceiling


The ceiling is the floor’s counterpart. Together with the roof it is pragmatic, due to the role of giving shelter and to the necessities of construction. But the ceiling may accept more metaphysical meanings. Being far removed and most often out of reach, it is the favourite place for stuccos, frescos, mosaics – a means of expression of dreams, ideals, the sacred. Graffiti – which are a spontaneous means of expression – are rarely found on ceilings. Amongst the pioneer architects of the twentieth century, there are very few who have bestowed upon the ceiling the sublime role of which it is potentially capable. When it is treated with care it is usually through the aesthetic effect of a beautiful structure: the exposed frame.Rare are those who, like Alvar Aalto, have always subscribed to the importance of a ‘ceiling design’: Aalto’s ceilings give meaning to space.

Elements of Architecture:From Form to Place


弗莱彻建筑史 Banister Fletcher’s A History of Architecture