
斯蒂文·霍尔 Steven Holl

El Croquis 78 STEVEN HOLL 1986-1996



l wonder whether we can create that knowledge outside the practice itself.or, in other words, are the texts you write to convey or discuss your ideas really operative in the making of the projects?

There is a philosophy of philosophy; if l was a philosopher l would like to speak about the philosophy of the philosopher as well as philosophy in general. In the same sense,I think that there is an architecture of architecture which is deep; this is interesting to me. l don’t believe that l could sustain my excitement about architecture just in making one project after another … Maybe in three years from now l am going to bethinking about another form for articulating new possibilities of architecture. And perhaps l will not be using the word phenomenology because in a way there is no such thing as phenomenology but there are indeed phenomenological problems. Maybe the development of a new architecture will be born out of the discussion of scientific models or some other kind of model. l am a teacher,and therefore l need to think and to speak to raise the practice of architecture to the level of thought!