

集中式布局 Centralized Form

A number of secondary forms clustered about a dominant, central parent-form

救主圣玛利亚教堂 S. Maria Della Salute, Venice, 1631–82, Baldassare Longhena

贝思·肖洛姆犹太教堂 赖特 Beth Sholom Synagogue, Elkins Park, Pennsylvania, 1959, Frank Lloyd Wright

圆厅别墅 帕拉迪奥 Villa Capra (The Rotunda), Vicenza, Italy, 1552–67, Andrea Palladio

坦比埃多 伯拉孟特Tempietto, S. Pietro in Montorio, Rome, 1502, Donato Bramante

梦殿 法隆寺 Yume-Dono, Eastern precinct of Horyu-Ji Temple, Nara, Japan, A.D. 607

线型布局 Linear Form

A series of forms arranged sequentially in a row

兰柯恩新城住宅 詹姆斯·斯特林 Runcorn New Town Housing, England,1967, James Stirling

巴勒斯计算器公司 阿尔伯特·康 Burroughs Adding Machine Company, Plymouth, Michigan, 1904, Albert Kahn

阿索斯的广场 小亚细亚 Agora of Assos, Asia Minor, 2nd Century B.C.

女王学院 Queen’s College, Cambridge, England, 1709–38, Nicholas Hawksmoor

亨利·巴布森住宅 路易斯·沙里文 Henry Babson House, Riverside, Illinois, 1907, Louis Sullivan

放射状布局 Radial Form

A composition of linear forms extending outward from a central form in a radial manner

秘书处大楼 联合国教科文组织 Secretariat Building, UNESCO Headquarters, Place de Fontenoy, Paris, 1953–58, Marcel Breuer

阿尔及尔 海滨摩天楼 柯布西耶 Skyscraper by the Sea, Project for Algiers, 1938, Le Corbusier

组团布局 Clustered Form

A collection of forms grouped together by proximity or the sharing of a common visual trait

Considering their flexibility, clustered organizations of forms may be organized in the following ways:

They can be related by proximity alone to articulate and express their volumes as individual entities.

特鲁里村 Trulli Village, Alberobello, Italy Traditional dry-stone shelter

多根住宅群 Dogon Housing Cluster, Southeastern Mali, West Africa, 15th century–present

陶斯·普韦布洛 Taos Pueblo, New Mexico, 13th century

吉甘提亚寺庙群 Ggantija temple complex, Malta, c. 3000 B.C.

以色列住宅 潵夫迪 Habitat Israel, Jerusalem, 1969, Moshe Safdie

蒙特利尔住宅 Habitat Montreal, 1967, Moshe Safdie

They can interlock their volumes and merge into a single form having a variety of faces.

布莱克住宅 G.N. Black House (Kragsyde), Manchester-by-the Sea, Massachusetts, 1882–83, Peabody & Stearns

住宅研究 詹姆斯·斯特林 House Study, 1956, James Stirling & James Gowan

网格式构成 Grid Form

A set of modular forms related and regulated by a three-dimensional grid

群马地方博物馆 矶崎新 Conceptual Diagram, Gunma Prefectural Museum of Fine Arts, Japan, 1974, Arata Isozaki

中银舱体大厦 黑川纪章 Nakagin Capsule Building, Tokyo, 1972, Kisho Kurokawa

海腾巴齐住宅 蒙特雷·卡普 Hattenbach Residence, Santa Monica, California, 1971–73, Raymond Kappe


Architecture form, space and order