


圣阿格斯蒂诺 罗马 S. Agostino, Rome, 1479–83, Giacomo da Pietrasanta

塞普提米乌斯·塞维鲁凯旋门 Arch of Septimius Severus, Rome, A.D. 203

玻璃住宅 飞利浦·约翰逊Glass House, New Canaan, Connecticut, 1949, Philip Johnson

巴塞罗那德国馆 密斯 German Pavilion (Barcelona Pavilion) at the International Exposition of 1929,
Barcelona, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe


罗森鲍姆住宅 赖特 Rosenbaum House, Florence, Alabama, 1939, Frank Lloyd Wright

金戈居住区 约翰·伍重 Kingo Housing Estate near Elsinore, Denmark Site Plan 1958–63, Jorn Utzon

柏林建筑展览住宅 密斯 Berlin Building Exposition House, 1931, Mies van der Rohe

桑托普住宅 赖特 Suntop Homes, Four-family Housing Units, Ardmore, Pennsylvania, 1939, Frank Lloyd Wright


巴西利卡中殿 克拉斯的圣阿波那教堂Nave of the basilican church, S. Apollinare in Classe, Ravenna, Italy, 534–39

维托里奥·伊曼纽耳二世连廊 Galleria Vittorio Emanuelle II, Milan, Italy, 1865–77, Giuseppe Mengoni

撒拉海住宅 柯布西耶 Sarabhai House, Ahmedabad, India, 1955, Le Corbusier

阿恩海姆陈列馆 凡·艾克 Arnheim Pavilion, The Netherlands, 1966, Aldo van Eyck

乡村设计方案 詹姆斯·斯特林 十人设计组 Village Project, 1955, James Stirling (Team X)


卡比托利欧广场 罗马 米开朗琪罗 Piazza del Campidoglio, Rome, c. 1544, Michelangelo

梅莱多的特里西诺别墅 帕拉迪奥 Villa Trissino at Meledo, From The Four Books on Architecture, Andrea Palladio

多明尼加修女修道院 路易斯康 Convent for the Dominican Sisters, project, Media, Pennsylvania, 1965–68, Louis Kahn.

博洛米尼 椭圆形教堂 Sketch of an Oval Church by Borromini, Genesis of San Carlo Alle Quattro Fontane

胡瓦犹太教堂 路易斯康 Hurva Synagogue (project), Jerusalem, 1968, Louis Kahn


皮雷尼中心市场 Plan of the Agora at Priene and its surroundings, 4th century B.C.

庞贝公共聚会地 Forum at Pompeii, 2nd century B.C.

法尼尔斯府邸 Palazzo Farnese, Rome, 1515, Antonio da Sangallo the Younger

加勒底的乌尔住宅 House, Ur of the Chaldees, c. 2000 B.C.

住宅 皮雷尼 House No. 33, Priene, 3rd century B.C.

塞纳特萨罗市政厅 Town Hall, Säynätsalo, Finland, 1950–52, Alvar Aalto

丰特莱修道院 勃艮第 Fontenay Abbey, Burgundy, France, c. 1139


Architecture form, space and order