

第一讲:中国建筑概说 Introduction of Chinese Architecture

  1. 中国建筑特征 Characteristics of Chinese Architecture
  2. 中国建筑历史分期 The historical division of Chinese Architecture
  3. 中国建筑类型学讨论 A discussion of the typologies in Chinese Architecture
  4. 古代城市的规划思想与两种规划理念 Ancient city planning thoughts and two opposing arguments
  5. 古代建筑原则:“正德、利用、厚生,惟和”和“卑宫室而尽力乎沟洫” Principles of ancient architecture: concepts of “morality, convenience, welfare and harmony” as well as “humbled palaces dedicated to the people”.
  6. 古代建筑思想:阴阳和合的建筑观,适形与大壮的建筑观 Ideas about ancient architecture: the harmony of Yin and Yang, proper form and magnificence

第二讲:先秦与秦汉时期的中国建筑 Architecture from Pre-Qin period to the Qin and Han dynasty

  1. 早期文明和建筑形态(远古~公元前21世纪) Early civilization and architectural morphology (remote Antiquity ~ 21st century BC)
  2. 夏商时期建筑(前21世纪~前11世纪) Architecture in the Xia and Shang dynasty (21st century BC ~ 11th century BC)
  3. 周代建筑(前11世纪~前221年) Architecture in the Zhou dynasty (11th century BC ~ 221 BC)
  4. 秦汉时期的中国文明与城市 Civilization and Cities of the Qin and Han dynasty
  5. 秦汉时期的宫室 Palaces of the Qin and Han dynasty
  6. 秦汉时期的住宅、墓葬和其它建筑类型 Residential,Tombs and Other types of architecture of the Qin and Han dynasty


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第三讲:三国、两晋、南北朝时期的中国建筑 Architecture in the Three Kingdoms, the Jin dynasty and the Southern and Northern Dynasties’ period

  1. 三国、两晋、南北朝时期的城市和宫殿 Cities and palaces of the Three Kingdoms, the Jin dynasty and the Southern and Northern Dynasties’ period
  2. 佛教的发展及佛教建筑的繁荣 Development of Buddhism and the prosperity of Buddhist architecture
  3. 南北朝时期的佛教建筑遗迹 Buddhist architectural remains in the Southern and Northern Dynasties’ period
  4. 南北朝时期的佛教石窟寺 Grottos in the Southern and Northern Dynasties’ period
  5. 从北朝石窟寺建筑形象所见木结构建筑的发展过程 Development of wooden structures as seen from grottos in the Northern Dynasties’ period
  6. 秦汉至南北朝时期的园林 Gardens from the Qin and Han dynasty to the Southern and Northern Dynasties’ period


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Cities, palaces, gardens and temples in the Sui and Tang dynasty

  1. 隋唐时期的中国文明 Chinese culture of the Sui and Tang dynasty
  2. 隋唐两京城 Two capital cities of the Sui and Tang dynasty: Chang’an and Luoyang
  3. 隋唐两京里坊与住宅 Li-fang and residential architecture in Chang’an and Luoyang
  4. 隋唐宫殿中的重要建筑 Important buildings in the Sui and Tang dynasty palaces
  5. 隋唐园林 Gardens of the Sui and Tang dynasty


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第五讲:隋唐时期的建筑遗存与建筑技艺 Architectural remains and technology in the Sui and Tang dynasty

  1. 隋唐时期的宗教建筑 Religious architecture in the Sui and Tang dynasty
  2. 隋唐时期的木结构佛教殿堂建筑遗存 Wood Buddhist Halls in the Sui and Tang dynasty
  3. 隋唐时期的砖石塔幢遗存 Brick and masonry towers in the Sui and Tang dynasty
  4. 隋唐时期的建筑风格与设计方法 Architectural style and design method in the Sui and Tang dynasty
  5. 隋唐时期的木结构建筑技术 Wood frame technology in the Sui and Tang dynasty
  6. 隋唐时期的砖石结构建筑技术 Brick and masonry technology in the Sui and Tang dynasty
  7. 建筑技术的进步和艺术的发展 The progression of architectural technology and development of art


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第六讲:五代、两宋、辽、金(10至13世纪)的城市、宫殿与园林 Cities, palaces and gardens in the Five Dynasties’ period and the Song, Liao and Jin dynasty

  1. 五代、两宋、辽、金、西夏历史 History of the Five Dynasties’ period and the Song, Liao and Jin dynasty
  2. 北宋汴梁城 The city of Bianliang in the Northern Song dynasty
  3. 南宋临安城、辽南京与金中都 Lin’an of the Southern Song dynasty,Nanjing in the Liao dynasty and Zhongdu in the Jin dynasty
  4. 北宋汴梁宫殿与南宋临安宫殿 The palace in Bianliang in the Northern Song dynasty and The palace in Lin’an in the Southern Song dynasty
  5. 金中都宫殿 The palace in Zhongdu in the Jin dynasty
  6. 两宋辽金时的园林 Gardens of the Song, Liao and Jin dynasty


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第七讲:五代、两宋、辽、金(10至13世纪)的宗教建筑 Religious architecture in the Five Dynasties’ period and the Song, Liao and Jin dynasty

  1. 九开间大型木构殿堂遗存 Nine-bay wood structures
  2. 七开间木构殿堂遗存 Seven-bay wood structures
  3. 五开间木构殿堂遗存 Five-bay wood structures
  4. 三开间木构殿堂遗存 Three-bay wood structures
  5. 单层重檐殿堂遗存 Double-eave single-story wood structures
  6. 两宋、辽、金木构楼阁与木塔遗存 Multi-story wood structure and wood pagodas in the Song, Liao and Jin dynasty
  7. 两宋、辽、金时期的佛塔建筑 Brick and masonry pagodas in the Song, Liao and Jin dynasty


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第八讲:五代、两宋、辽、金(10至13世纪)佛塔与宋《营造法式》 Pagodas in the Five Dynasties’ period and the Song, Liao and Jin dynasty and the Yingzao Fashi in the Song dynasty

  1. 辽、金砖石塔 Brick and masonry pagodas in the Liao and Jin dynasty
  2. 宋代砖石塔 Brick and masonry pagodas in the Song dynasty
  3. 宋《营造法式》介绍 A summary of the Yingzao-Fashi
  4. 两宋、辽、金建筑总结 A conclusion about the Song, Liao and Jin dynasty architecture


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第九讲:元明时期的城市与建筑 Cities and Architecture in the Yuan dynasty

  1. 元代的城市与建筑综述 A summary of Cities and Architecture in the Yuan dynasty
  2. 元上都与元大都
  3. 元大都宫殿
  4. 元代宗教建筑
  5. 元代科技建筑


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  1. 明代北京紫禁城
  2. 明代北京皇家坛庙
  3. 明代曲阜孔庙
  4. 明代南京孝陵与昌平十三陵
  5. 明代道教建筑
  6. 明代教育建筑
  7. 明代北京城
  8. 明代地方城市


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  1. 清代建筑概述
  2. 紫禁城


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  1. 清代城市
  2. 律制生活与衙署类建筑
  3. 信仰生活与礼制宗教建筑等
  4. 工商行业与与商业、会馆建筑
  5. 娱乐生活与演出建筑


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  1. 中国与世界:艺术和科学&工程做法
  2. “准”建筑师
  3. 建筑匠
  4. 案例赏析


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  1. 中国古典园林概述
  2. 明清时期皇家园林
  3. 北方私家园林
  4. 江南私家园林
  5. 岭南私家园林


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  1. 中国民居建筑发展简史
  2. 北方合院式民居
  3. 南方厅井式民居
  4. 江南厅井式民居
  5. 黄土高原窑洞民居
  6. 东南客家土楼


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  1. 满族、朝鲜族民居建筑
  2. 蒙古族建筑
  3. 西藏地区的藏族建筑
  4. 西南地区多民族建筑艺术
  5. 民族建筑小结


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